Monday, August 30, 2010

Chicken Heads, Testimonies and Slippery Ditches

We just got back from Mt. Elgon. We spent a few nights up there and had a blast. Staying on the mountain is about as close to camping as I get!! We actually had running water the second day!! On the way up the mountain the police stopped us and attempted to do a shake down. Mike REFUSED and made it clear he knew the law. That plus mentioning the Honorable Fred Kapundee (Member of Parliment for Mt. Elgon) got him to back down. Especially when Mike kept referring to the officer by his name. This was one Mazungoo he was not going to take advantage of!

We did the boy's and girls youth conference. Girls and boys combined we had about 250 youth. It was amazing. The youth in Kenya are not much different from the youth in the US. They all seemed appreciative for the open and frank conversation about real issues they address. It was a great segway to talk to Lucy about the birds and the bees and boys and all that fun stuff!

The following morning we went to a humble church that received the Fruited Plains Miracle Maize last February. The only istruments were their voices and it was beautiful!! This small church rocked the roof off!!! I had the opportunity to preach again. I was overcome with emotion towards the end. God has truly given us His love for these people. It sometimes overwhelms me. We had lunch in the home of the pastor and his wife after the service. Mike and Chris ate the head of the chicken- brains and all!!!! No lie. It was disgusting.

Chris taught kids Simon Says and Lucy taught us how to eat sugar cane like a true Kenyan. We got to see the 10 acres (really 11). UNBELIEVABLE!!! We even have a sign with our logo on it. We are official. We could not believe all the maize growing and the demonstration plot was incredible. Peter is a passionate and phenominal farmer. He has set up 110 plots to show the people all the different vegetables that grow well on the mountain. He has compost piles and even a tree that the leaves can be crushed and used as a natural insecticide. We are overwhelmed how God ia allowing us to join Him in His work with these people.

Today Mike did his business seminar and the rest of us headed up to Pastor Philip's church, walked Shambas and heard testimonies. There are several widows at his church due to the recent land clashes. One of them shared how she has 10 children and had no food and her life was in despair. After receiveing the seed and harvesting, she now has enough food to feed her family, pay her kids school fees and tithe. She said she is now giving seed and educating her neighbors about it so they too will benefit from what God has given her!! How great is our God?!! Everyone talked about how much better this seed is. They have already harvested the first crop and are planting the second. They will get at least 2 harvests a year opposed to one with the other seed.

My dad was a real trupper today. He had to climb a HUGE hill and cross through several shambas. He hung in there and never gave up! Lucy stayed by his side and took good care of her grandfather. He loved having her watch over him.

Mike mentioned that one of the men at his seminar brought two ears of maize to show the people how much bigger the kernals are compared to the stuff the government sells. Light bulbs were going off as Mike showed them how to reduce costs and run their shambas as a business. He is so gifted in business and loves teaching others how to be self-sustaining and thrive. He is living his dream.

We got stuck in a ditch on the way down. Chris and my dad have now officially experienced Mt. Elgon. It took about an hour to get out but Leonard is the bomb! he got us out and even got us past a school bus that was blocking the road. It was an Indiana Jones ride for sure!

We are having a great time as a family. I feel so blessed to be here with the 3 most important men in my life and Lucy. This is it for now. Will update later. Kwaheri!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oxen, Donkeys and Deformed Cows- Oh My!

Jambo Sano friends and family. We are having a great time in Kenya. We planned well so we have a bit more down time which feels strange to us. I realize it is difficult for me to just relax when I am here. I find myself wanting to be ministering in some way constantly.

We had a GREAT team meeting on Monday. We have been blessed with the best staff EVER! God is moving in some incredible ways through Fruited Plains. Peter (our farm manager) mentioned purchasing our own oxen to plough the 10 acres. Mike had already done the figuring and the oxen pay for themselves in 2 years time. Yes, you heard correctly, we are actually discussing purchasing oxen! How surreal is our life? We are constantly shaking our heads at how God has chosen to use us on this earth. We would not change it for anything in the world. It is just comical to us. As we discussed the possibility of having live stock, we realized we need an acre to graze them. I asked about the cost of an acre. Summary then said, "By the way, the land the government gave us is really more than 10 acres. It is actually 11 acres!" Peter and Leonard then chimed in and said one of the acres is bad for planting but perfect for grazing cattle. We can retain our 10 acres for planting and demonstration plot and we still have an acre to spare!

Peter then asked about having water at the site. I asked about drilling for a well and Sammary again said, "By the way, there is actually a water pipe running right through our 10 acres and it is very cheap to just hook into the water supply that already exists." God just blows my mind!

We are going to distribute to 600 new families again in February. We will have about an extra 100 bags to sell which will help us with a bit of our overhead. Because we will be selling the maize as food, not seed, we will not be competing with the seed companies. We will also sell the produce from our demonstration plot. We are continuing to look for ways to become self-sustaining or at least lower our overhead.

We had the opportunity to visit the animal park. Once again we saw the donkey's with no tails (perfect for a game of pin the tail on the donkey), the cow with 4 horns, 3 functioning eyes and a cleft pallet, and my personal favorite, the female cow with a testicle growing out of its back! No lie. It's Kenya! You got a love it!

We visited some of the Building Hope recipients. They are all repaying their loans and the businesses they have established are helping to care for the basic needs of their families. We are grateful for the committee that over sees this project. They are doing a great job.

Chris is having a great time. Today he played soccer with the street kids at Oasis of Hope. He was so in his element. He plans to go back again tomorrow. He is also connecting with Lucy. She LOVES her cousin!! She has connected to him like no one else. It warms my heart.

We have met with Lucy's counselor two times now. We are impressed with the head counselor. He seems to get her and what she needs. Now that the assessment period is complete, she will be transitioning to a new counselor experienced in grief counseling. We are learning some new details of what has transpired over the last couple of years. I won't go into detail on the blog but it breaks our hearts. I hate that we could not have done a better job of protecting her. What she has experienced most of her life is heart renching. To see how far she has come is such a blessing from God. Please continue to pray that God would give us wisdom on how to guide her. We can absolutely see how God has and continues to have his hand on her life. I don't know what He has for her but one thing is for sure, He loves and cares for her so very much! I sure hope she sees it. Her value and worth in His eyes is so evident to us.

We will head up to Mt Elgon again on Saturday and will spend 2 nights. Sammary and I will be doing a girls youth conference. Mike, my dad, Chris and Abraham will be doing a boys youth conference (the first ever). Sunday we will visit another one of the chruches that received seed this past February. I have been asked to give the message again. Pray that God shows up and blesses the people through me!!! I covet your prayers! Monday Mike will do his business seminar with the recipients who have not yet attended while my dad, Chris and I go visit past recipeints and hear testimonies from the people. I can't wait!!!!!!!

Love you all. Keep praying for us. We are all healthy and doing well.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jambo from Kenya

Jambo Sana from Kenya! We are having a wonderful time. Our first day here we went to the Cottage Hospital and walked the farm with Richard. Oh how I love that man. I treasure every moment I get with him. After lunch in the cottage we headed out to feed the kids in the pre-school at the Cottage hospital. These kids live in the slums and most don't have food to eat. The Cottage Hospital has a pre-school where the kids come 6 days a week for breakfast and lunch. A few years ago Richard and Freda shared with us that most children do not eat again until they return to the school on Monday. Mike had a great idea of providing a pre-cooked meal to distribute to the kids on Saturdays so they would have a meal on Sunday. After we served the kids lunch we but beans and rice in 70 bags and distributed them to the kids. With big smiles and a gracious "Asante" (thank you) they took their bag. After all the children received their food they closed there eyes and thanked God for the meal he provided. I looked over at Chris and he was a goner! Tears were streaming down his face. Oh yeah, Kenya has gotten a hold of him and it was just the first day. The people and this place have a way of grabing hold of your heart and you are forever changed.

Today we headed up to Mt. Elgon for church (my happy place in Kenya). We went to one of the churches that were recipients of the planting seeds project this past February. We heard a testimony from a man whose children attended the church but he and his wife did not. The church decided that since the children attended the church they could be recipients of the seed if the father or mother attended all the necessary trainings. The father did so. He shared how he really saw the love of God demonstrated. Even though he and his wife did not attend the church and were not Christians, they still wanted to assist. He and his wife are now Christians and active members of the church. God is so amazing!

I was the pastor for the day. I found out about 5:30 Saturday night that I would be delivering the message. This is very typical in Kenya. At least I had some notice! God gave me a few passages of which I built on prior to leaving for Kenya so I at least had some notes and was semi prepared! There is nothing greater than being used by God. I loved every moment of it! To see the faces of those in the congregation as God spoke through me was something I will never forget.

Chris started crying from the moment he stepped in the church. For a big strong tough guy, he sure is a softy! He is loving this place and the people. The choir got up and sang and there was a guy playing a guitar and another who kind of tapped on the guitar like a drum. Two instruments in one! So innovative.

Two years ago during the clashes Mike and I had the opportunity of meeting a woman with 11 children. Her husband was a pastor and was killed in front of his family. I remember feeling so helpless as we sat with the family and prayed for them and gave them a Hope Span Mosquito net and blanket. The husband had just died the week before and was buried in front of the small hut they were staying in. I wept because I felt so incredibly helpless. This family was at the church today. The eldest son was the one playing the guitar. They too were recipients of the Planting Seeds Project this past February. God is brillant in the way he works. He never ceases to amaze me.

My dad is doing well. He is enjoying every moment with Lucy. Yesterday was a hormonal teenage girl day but today she was all smiles and laughter and talkative. This is the first time we have really seen her be so free to communicate with people outside of Mike and I. We played Frisbee and Soccer and just had a great day together. Tomorrow we go for a counseling appointment with her. Mike and I can't believe we are going to counseling in Kenya. This ought to be an experience!

Well, this is kind of it for now. Other ministry stuff happened but these are some of the highlights. I love being in Kenya with the 3 most important men in my life. What a treat for me.

Love you all. Please continue to pray for us.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Catching Up

I know there has been a long delay since our last blog. I will try and hit a few highlights. We met with 30 pastors from Kopsiro last Friday. Kopsiro is an area hit hard by the clashes. The government shut down the IDP camps and told the people to go live with relatives. Those who could did, others are "just around" as the pastors say. We had the opportunity to explain the vision for this year. We will assist about 10 churches, 600 families in all. We also met with the farmers we sent to Manor House who will now train the future recipients of the maize project. They were all so grateful for what they learned and are eager to share their new found knowledge with others. They are all so giving and willing to serve. It is awesome.

We had Lucy for a few nights and our parent child talk went well. She is actually very compliant- whew! We sure lucked out on that one! We tried to help her with her math homework. She is doing Geometry in 6th grade!! I barely passed Geometry in high school. Mike, the math wizz even struggled. We just told her she had lame parents and unfortunately, we could not help her with her homework. She sure works hard. We found out from one of her teachers she won two first place trophies in track and Field. We asked her, " Lucy, can you say world record holder, future Olympiad, professional athlete?" We asked if she was going to take care of us in her old age and she said yes. We also found out she was elected by her classmates and teacher to be Prefect for Class 6. It is a position of leadership. One has to demonstrate discipline, leadership and respect. How puffed up our our chests right now!! For the past few years we have been saying, "Lucy, are you a leader or a follower?'' She laughs and says, "Follower" just to be cheeky. We are so proud of her. She did not even tell us she has been Prefect this whole school year. One of her classmates told us.

We had to meet with a judge twice this week so we can try and get Lucy a birth certificate. Again we were granted legal guardianship and sole custody of Lucy (thought we already did that and we even have documents to prove that but oh well, it is Kenya). She also gave permission to seek a birth certificate which will officially have our last name. It is now the last name she uses on a regular basis.

Dan, Kathleen, Erika arrived last night and surprised us by bringing Charles, Thomas and Joseph. They are orphan boys between the ages of 5 and 8. I know you are all laughing right now, Mike and I with 3 small kids running around the house. They are actually really cute and very good. Besides, we told them if they are bad, we eat small children. I am sooooo kidding. Seriously they have been great! Of course company arrives and the water company turned the water off and one of the workers turned our pump off so we have very little water right now. We should have water by 5:00am tommorrow. We won't hold our breath, it is Kenya.

Tonight we had our traditional dinner with the boys. There were 20 people at dinner and it took 2.5 hours. It was ok though because we loved visiting with them. They are all getting so big. It was great for Dan and Kathleen to see them. It was a bit emotional for them as Philip played a significant role in assisting with some of these boys.

Tomorrow we go back to Mt. Elgon and we are distributing 100 blankets to widows who were previously staying at the IDP camp in Kopsiro. We are looking forward to being with them and ministering to them. If you read this soon (we are 10 hours ahead) please pray for me as I feel a burden to share something with these women and don't have a clue what to say. I pray God shows up in a big way!

Love you all and talk with you soon. Kwaheri for now.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fun, Fellowship and Food on the Mountain

Hello friends,

Today was another amazing day on the mountain. We visited AIC Cheptonon. Pastor Martin's church. We have built a relationship over the last 5 years with them. The children that would once run from us in terror now chase our van when they see us coming in order to greet us.

We visisted many shambas and homes. The testimonies continue to be amazing. If each one were not so powerful in terms of changed lives and stewardship, they would almost seem redundant. Yet when you hear the people give their testimonies and see their faces and the faces of their children, each one is so impactful. We even vistited some shambas near the forest. It was our first time REALLY seeing the forest. WOW! It is so lush and beautiful.

We vistited Pastor Martin's church and his wife Asha gave us soda and her special Chapatis made with a bit of sugar. YUM! We then visited a few more shambas and one family we have gotten to know over the years invited us in and served us a big lunch. We then drove to the church and I met with the youth and youth leaders. We thought we were leaving but they asked us to sit and they brought in another huge meal for us. We were so full but we had to eat AGAIN. We don't think we have ever been so full in all our lives. They serve tons of carbs, beans and then you wash it down with a soda! There was some rumbling and bumbling going on! The bumpy ride back to Kitale was painful!

We are having an amazing time with our new staff. We joke and laugh and everyone feels free to share and give their input. They are teaching us Saboat and we are teaching them American slang. I have Sammary saying, "Leonard, you're the bomb". To hear it in a Kenyan accent is so funny. Leonard use to be quiet and timid but since we made some changes (you all know what I am referring to) he is open and filled with such joy. He and Peter (our farm manager) got up when the choir was singing and started dancing and singing with them. It was so awesome. We are doing ministry together and having fun!

Yesterday Mike did a business seminar at Pastor Tony's church. He is teaching the people how to look at their shambas as a business and ways to reduce costs and increase profits. He did an amazing job and the people are always so grateful for the seminar and seem to come away from it with new ideas.

Well, that is it for now. We love you and miss you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

More News from Kenya

Hello again from Kenya. Saturday was our day at the farm with Richard and Freda. Richard has been ill so we did not walk the farm this time. We did visist with sick people in the hospital and pray for them. there was a little girl named Rosie that had a severe case of jiggers. Jiggers are like magots that burrow in the skin, lay eggs and well you get the picture. It is way nasty and extremely painful. She walked on her heals because her feet and hands were covered with jiggers. She was such a sweet girl!

We played alot with some of the children that live at the farm. I hurt my back swinging Esther around. She is really growing up and remembers us by name now. She refuesed to let me put her down. My back was killing me. I am just getting to old! There was a little girl named Kathleen that is such a tiny peanut. She is 3 years old and a sack of flour weighs more than her. She had Mike wrapped around her little finger. She kept wanting him to hold her and when he put her down she would just look at him with that little peanut face and hold her arms up. At one point she held his hand and lead him off. I asked where Mike was and Richard said he has left me for another woman as someone else has stolen his heart. Wait until you see the picutres. She is so tiny and so cute. She could make you do just about anything when she looks at you.

Sunday we went up to Cheptonon for the church service. As usual we found out the afternoon before that one of us was doing the message and as usual, Mike volunteered me. So on our way up the mountain, I was preparing my message. I believe the message went pretty well. I recieved positive feedback but then again what else are they going to say? The great part is I am learning to not be so anxious when I am not fully prepared. It is not because I think I am "all that" but because I am learning to trust that God will show up and deliver His message through me. Why would he not want to answer that kind of request?

There was alot of rain the day before so the ride up was an "adventure". The van could not make it all the way up to the church so we had to hike up the hill. I was in a dress and heals, Mike in a suit and hard sole shoes. When it rains on Mt. Elgon the ground is like walking on ice. It was an experience for sure. Our shoes and legs were covered in mud. My heel kept getting stuck in the mud and I kept walking out of my shoe. We both almost ate it a few times but managed to stay on both feet. We are definitely not going up the mountain without a pair of hiking shoes with us in the future.

Pat Hamer came with us that day. He loved Mt. Elgon but I think even he wondered how our vehicle would make it a few times. We loved having him with us. He enjoyed trying to scare the children and then trying to convince him he really is a "nice Mazungoo" or "ghost" as they have been told in their bed time stories.

The people were so amazing and so full of life. I loved dancing with the women and doing their traditional chant or shreak with them. I am really getting good at it and it definitely makes everyone laugh.

We heard some amazing testimonies. We met one of our farmers we sent to Manor House to be trained. He has already taken the inititive to start his own demonstration plot and train some of the church members. He has even used some of the beans he has harvested to give to his neighbors who have nothing. Another family used the harvest to pay school fees for their child who is in their second year of high school. I love how God is using this project. Their are fewer orphans because people are not dying of disease and starvation, kids are getting an education and the farms are becoming a business that is providing an income for the people. Just goes to show you, God can use anyone. We are constantly amazed by what God is doing through Fruited Plains. We still believe he chose us because He recieves all the glory in it. What the heck do we know about farming. We love how God works!

We had the opportunity to meet with more youth and youth leaders. They were first focused on what we could do for them. I tactfully and gently helped them see that it is in their best interest to not focus on "Mazungoos" giving them a hand out. Infact, this only hurts them. I encouraged them to think outside the box and to focus on how they can grow in their relationship with God as their first priority and allow God to show them a way out of their circumstances. One of the ICM workers was able to chim in and give his testimony as an example. It was powerful and definitely made the point. The fact that he is a Kenyan from Mt. Elgon really made it impactful. It still comes down to creating weekly Bible studies for the youth. They need Bibles and youth leaders need training. We believe God can work out those details. We also focused on how they can serve the church. There were some great ideas like ministering to the widows. There are several in the area as this was one of the areas hit during the clashes.

After we left, Pastor Harry said, "Michele, do you want a ride on my motor bike?" An offer I could not refuse!! Dress, muddy heals and all, I climbed on and had an amazing ride. Because were pretty high up on the mountain and it was sooooo green and beautiful the view was breathtaking. It was so much fun. The people we passed by looked shocked. First, they don't see many Mazungoos in that area, and second, I am sure they don't see them on the back of a motor bike. After riding for awhile it was Mike's turn. He too had a blast. He actually rode through some rough turrain but loved every minute of it. I think we need to make this a tradition.

We actually came across my Rafikee Elizabeth again on the road. She was so disappointed she did not get to meet my dad and Pastor Mike when we were here last February. She had been praying for me and my family since Harry announced to the church my mom had passed away. She is just so great. I can't even express in words how full of joy my heart is everytime I see her.

We took Lucy back to school. She started summer school today. We will try and get her on Saturday afternoon for lunch. We definitely have to have a parent child meeting with her. As amazing as she is, there are a few behaviors that need some work. Pray for us! Pray we handle it well and she listens as well as takes part in the conversation. We don't want to lecture. We know that does not work.

Today we had a bunch of meetings. All were productive. We believe God is going to continue to do some great things on the mountain. We found out it will cost about $400.00 or less to build a traditional 2 bedroom house with iron sheets. Six people can do the framing and roofing in one day and church members can do the mud walls. There is a guesstimate of about 300 families that are in the greatest of need (although their are many more who will eventully need homes). We would like to target widows and orphans. We are looking to put small teams together to bring up to the mountain to assist. The ICM campus on Mt. Elgon would host us so we can stay in the dorms there. It is very close to where the work would take place. Pray about whether God can use us in some way to make this happen.

We love you and miss you. If you are reading the blogs, please respond to us. We love hearing from you.

Kwaheri for now.

Friday, August 7, 2009

God Continues to Move Mountians

Hello friends and family. We have had a couple of great days. We went to Mt. Elgon and saw the site we purchased for the Fruited Plains headquarters. It is over an acre and it sits next to the district offices for Mt. Elgon which means we have electricity and it will be safe. We will build a warehouse to store our beans and maize and a garage big enough to store 2 lorries. We will also have an office. We will likely plant some small vegetables that we can sell to cover some of our overhead. It is alot of land so we don't know all God has in store. If there were a grocery store and Pinewood, we would build a home there. Mt. Elgon is so beautiful and we love it there so much.

We met with the Assistant Chief of Mt. Elgon and the District Officer. They both were very pleased with what Fruited Plains is doing to assist the people and were very happy to hear we will have our headquarters on the mountain. They offered their support in any way. It was definitely nice to recieve that.

Today I went up to Mt. Elgon again. Unfortunately Mike had to stay behind to deal with some business matters. It was a wonderful day. We got to see the homestead that Pastor Martin grew up on and we prayed for his mom who was having some knee problems. We walked to some shambas (farms) and heard more amazing testimonies from Harry's church. People have just harvested their beans. From the 10kg bag they were given last February, they have harvested 90kg's. Not bad! We heard more testimonies of people providing food for their families, paying school fees, and selling the excess to buy goats, cows, sheep and even build larger homes. When Fruited Plains started we simply wanted to help people have food to eat. God has done beyond what we ever imagined. There is a reasons Ephesians 3:20 is our verse for fruited Plains. "Now Glory be to God. By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we ever dreamed or imagined." One gentleman was asked by a neighbor, "How come your crops look so good?" His response was, "Because they are crops from God!"

Lucy was great. She was my videographer. She did a great job! I got to see my Rafiki (friend) Elizabeth. We ran towards each other, hugged and told each other we missed one another and loved each other. She speaks Saboat and I speak english but some how our bond was able to break through the language barrier. My heart was so full! I wish all of you could experience Mt. Elgon and see what a great place it is and the amazing people that live there.

I also had the opportunity to sit with about 29 youth and youth leaders from 4 different churches. We brainstormed about youth ministry. Other than Sunday school where all ages come together, there is no youth ministry. No Bible studies, no mentors, nothing. They all were eager to share their ideas. I have been waiting 6 years for this! God has put the youth on my heart and kept pulling my reigns back and saying, "not yet". I believe now is the time where He may use me. Training youth leaders is desparately needed. Their is a desire to serve but no training available and no idea how to really establish ministry. I know this is a big part of why God has called me to close my practice. At the end of the meeting we all committed to pray together each day and see where God leads us. We are all committed to follow His lead and not our own. Again, my heart is full!

Our time with Lucy just gets better and better. Her abiltiy and willingness to communicate with us in english has been great! She is still very quiet in front of others but open with us. She jokes, laughs and is affectionate. We have waited over 6 years for this! We love having her with us. She is definitely Daddy's little girl! She loves to tease him and he certainly knows how to return the favor. There is something about dad's and their daughters.

Continue to pray for us. We are having a wonderful time and there is still much ahead to accomplish over the next few weeks. Kwaheri for now!